Monday, February 22, 2010

2345678 hand...

Hand#2150786A90000062 - Tournament Table 1 T7891600 -- Table 1 -- $15/$75/$150 NL Hold'em -- 2010/02/22 - 22:41:37
Seat 1: buru***1 ($2,266 in chips)
Seat 2: lmun***2 ($9,243 in chips) DEALER
Seat 5: bigdaddy11 ($1,991 in chips)
burun posts ante of 15
lmuniz posts ante of 15
bigdaddy11 posts ante of 15
bigdaddy11: posts small blind 75
buru***1: posts big blind 150
Dealt to bigdaddy11 [5c,8d]
lmun***2: calls 150
bigdaddy11: calls 75
buru***1: checks
*** FLOP *** [2s,3h,6d]
bigdaddy11: checks
buru***1: bets 300
lmun***2: folds
bigdaddy11: calls 300
*** TURN *** [4d]
bigdaddy11: checks
buru***1: bets 548
bigdaddy11: is all in 1526.0000
buru***1: calls 978
buru***1: shows [5s 6c]
bigdaddy11: shows [5c 8d]
*** RIVER *** [7d]
bigdaddy11: wins 4,147 with Straight, Eight high

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